Dermoscopy: A Versatile Tool to Bust Quackery

    Gopalsing Rameshsing Rajput, Charandeep Kaur, Archana Reddy, Veena Kharayat
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    TLDR Dermoscopy helps diagnose skin issues and warns against unqualified treatments.
    The case report of a 32-year-old male with acute urticaria and angioedema highlights the utility of dermoscopy in educating patients about the adverse effects of quackery. The patient used a chemical concoction from an unqualified individual for hair loss, resulting in erythematous plaques and intradermal hemorrhages. Dermoscopic images revealed significant skin damage, which convinced the patient to discontinue the harmful treatment. The study concludes that dermoscopy is an effective tool not only for diagnosing skin disorders but also for raising awareness about the dangers of unqualified treatments, emphasizing the need for larger studies to confirm this role.
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