Cutaneous Findings in Patients with Predialysis Chronic Kidney Disease
March 2016
in “
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology

TLDR Almost all patients with chronic kidney disease not yet on dialysis have at least one skin problem.
The study by Solak et al. investigated dermatologic conditions in 365 predialysis chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients and found that 98.1% had at least one skin-related issue. The most common issues were xerosis (64.9%), hair changes (41.4%), pruritus (19.2%), pigmentary changes (17.5%), nail disorders (15.3%), and oral mucosal changes (9.3%). Hair changes were more prevalent in stage 3 CKD patients, often presenting as dry, lusterless hair, diffuse hair loss, and sparse body hair. The study, despite its limitations such as the uneven distribution of patients across CKD stages and lack of diagnostic biopsies, remains the largest to date on cutaneous findings in predialysis CKD patients and highlights the need for awareness of potential skin disorders to improve patient quality of life.