Contrast enhanced phototrichogram pinpoints scalp hair changes in androgen sensitive areas of male androgenetic alopecia

    May 2002 in “Skin Research and Technology
    T. Leroy, D. Van Neste
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    TLDR CE-PTG detects early hair follicle issues in balding areas, helping measure male hair loss.
    The study evaluated the use of contrast enhanced phototrichogram (CE-PTG) to quantify hair follicle changes in male androgenetic alopecia (AGA). The study found that CE-PTG was able to detect early functional disturbances in hair follicles in areas prone to balding, making it a useful tool for calibration of other methods. The study also found that hair miniaturization was important in relation to clinical staging of AGA patterns. Overall, CE-PTG was found to be a reliable method for quantifying hair changes in male AGA.
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