Complex Dermatitis Caused by Infection of Sarcoptes Scabiei, Demodex Spp. and Malassezia Spp. in a Mixed Dog

    Adek Livia Yunita Ningrum, Putu Ayu Sisyawati Putriningsih, I Nyoman Suartha
    TLDR A mixed breed dog's skin condition improved with combined therapy and supportive care.
    A mixed breed dog named Baby, 1.5 years old, presented with complex dermatitis caused by simultaneous infections of Sarcoptes scabiei, Demodex sp, and Malassezia sp, resulting in itching, erythema, hair loss, and alopecia. Clinical examinations confirmed the infections, and treatment included ivermectin and sulfur shampoo, along with supportive care. After 14 days of therapy, the dog's condition improved, and fine hair began to grow. The case highlights the effectiveness of combined causative and supportive therapy and recommends isolating sick dogs, improving diet, reducing stress, and following routine therapy.
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