A Case Report of Graham-Little–Piccardi–Lassueur Syndrome

    July 2013 in “ Indian Journal of Dentistry
    Sasankoti Mohan Ravi Prakash, Sankalp Verma, Udita Singh, Neha Agarwal
    TLDR A 46-year-old man showed symptoms of a rare condition usually seen in postmenopausal women, highlighting the need for dentist-dermatologist collaboration.
    Graham-Little–Piccardi–Lassueur syndrome is a rare condition characterized by scarring alopecia of the scalp, noncicatricial hair loss in the axillary and pubic regions, and lichenoid follicular eruptions. It typically affects postmenopausal women, but this case report documented a 46-year-old male patient with similar symptoms, including burning sensations in the mouth, patchy hair loss on the scalp, and nail deformities. The report emphasized the importance of recognizing associated skin, hair, and nail changes in patients with lichen planus and recommended collaboration between dentists and dermatologists for optimal patient care.
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