Book Reviews

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    TLDR The reviews critique three psychology books, noting skepticism about a personality inventory for teens, praising a practical guide on body image issues, and recommending a book on grief therapy.
    The document contains reviews of three different books, each addressing a specific area of psychological assessment or treatment. The first review discusses "Assessing adolescents with the Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory" by Joseph T. McCann, which outlines the use of the MACI in diagnosing adolescent personality traits and disorders. The reviewer expresses skepticism about the effectiveness of personality inventories for adolescents and is not convinced of the MACI's utility in treatment planning or case management, despite its widespread use in the USA. The second review covers "Exacting beauty: Theory, assessment, and treatment of body image disturbance" by J. Kevin Thompson and others. This book is praised for its comprehensive and practical approach to body image disturbance, including assessment measures and clinical examples. It addresses a range of issues from eating disorders to male pattern hair loss and facial disfigurement, though it is noted to have an American bias and some contradictions in the literature are not addressed. The third review examines "Traumatology of grieving: Conceptual, theoretical and treatment foundations" edited by Charles R. Figley. The book is recommended for its overview of bereavement-related trauma and its therapeutic applications. It challenges some traditional views on grief and coping strategies, suggesting that avoidant strategies may be adaptive. The 'Applications' section is particularly commended for its valuable insights for therapists. Overall, the reviews provide a critical perspective on the books' contributions to their respective fields, highlighting both strengths and limitations.
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