Arabidopsis Retromer Subunit AtVPS29 Is Involved in SLY1-Mediated Gibberellin Signaling

    February 2024 in “ Plant Cell Reports
    Wang Ki Min, Dae Hwan Kwon, Jong Tae Song, Hak Soo Seo
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    The study demonstrates that the Arabidopsis retromer subunit AtVPS29 plays a crucial role in gibberellin (GA) signaling by upregulating the SLY1 protein and downregulating the RGA protein, which positively affects the development of the root meristematic zone. In vps29-3 mutants, SLY1 protein levels were lower, and DELLA repressor protein levels were higher compared to wild-type plants, leading to decreased sensitivity to GA and reduced expression of GA synthesis genes. This resulted in a smaller meristematic zone and fewer cells, indicating that AtVPS29 is essential for proper GA signaling and plant growth.
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