ALX4-Related Frontonasal Dysplasia Sequence Presenting With Alopecia in a 12-Year-Old Girl

    K.L.P.D. Seneviwickrama, S. K. P. Lekamge, H. M. P. Gunathilake
    TLDR A 12-year-old girl's hair loss was linked to a rare genetic condition called ALX4-related frontonasal dysplasia.
    This document reports a rare case of a 12-year-old girl with alopecia as part of the ALX4-related frontonasal dysplasia (FND) sequence. While alopecia in children is commonly due to conditions like alopecia areata and telogen effluvium, this case highlights the importance of considering genetic syndromes such as ALX4-related FND in the differential diagnosis.
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