Androgenic Alopecia and Risks of Overall and Aggressive Prostate Cancer: An Updated Meta-Analysis
March 2024
in “
Cancer Research

TLDR Men with baldness on the top of their head might have a small increased risk of prostate cancer.
This meta-analysis examined the relationship between androgenic alopecia (male pattern baldness, MPB) and the risk of prostate cancer (PrCa). The study included 14,573 cases and 132,434 controls/non-cases from 14 different studies. The results showed that men with vertex MPB (baldness at the top of the head) aged 40 years or older had a slightly increased risk of total PrCa, with a relative risk (RR) of 1.08. However, there was no association found with frontal MPB (baldness at the front of the head). The onset of MPB at younger ages was also associated with a RR of 1.10 of PrCa, but this was not statistically significant. The study concluded that men with vertex MPB may have a modestly increased risk of PrCa, but further large-scale studies are needed to better understand this relationship.