Abstract 81
April 2017
in “
Plastic and reconstructive surgery. Global open

TLDR Baby and adult skin cells are different, with baby cells having more active pathways that could help grow new hair follicles.
The study conducted six years ago aimed to identify the genes and pathways responsible for hair follicle regeneration by comparing the transcriptomes of fetal and adult dermal papilla (DP) cells. DP cells from 16-18 week human fetal scalp and 36-56 year old adult scalp were analyzed. The results showed a set of genes uniquely upregulated in fetal DP cells compared to adult DP cells. The Shh, Wnt/b-catenin, and Notch signaling pathways were more active in fetal DP cells, with the Shh pathway largely absent from the adult DP cell population. The study concluded that there are significant transcriptional differences between fetal and adult DP cells, with multiple signaling pathways associated with stem cells and morphogenesis upregulated in fetal DP cells. These findings suggest potential targets for reprogramming adult dermal fibroblasts into fetal-like DP cells with hair follicle-inducing capacity, a crucial step towards tissue engineering new hair follicles.