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300-330 / 937 results
research Scalp Reduction: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
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research Rat Whiskers, Follicle Transection, and Hair Transplantation
Transplanting rat whisker follicles can lead to successful hair growth after cutting them.

research Vertical Strip Harvesting: A Personal Technique
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research Eyebrow Reconstruction in Scalp Avulsion Victims from the Amazon
Rebuilding eyebrows is possible for people who have lost scalp hair in the Amazon.
research Tattoo Pigment Delivery with a Laser-Based Microjet Injector
The laser-based microjet injector delivers tattoo pigment accurately with less tissue damage.
research Scalp Micropigmentation: Semantics, Terminology, and Standards
Scalp Micropigmentation is a popular non-surgical method to make hair look fuller.

research Cyberspace Chat: Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Its Use in Hair Restoration
PRP is beneficial for hair restoration.

research Training Module in Hair Restoration Surgery: A Simple Method for Beginning Physicians and Assistants
The document provides a simple method for beginners to learn hair restoration surgery.
research Scalp Aesthetics Training
research Scalp Micropigmentation Tattoo: The Ideal Density of Tattoo Dots in Female Androgenetic Alopecia Treatment
The best dot density for scalp tattoos gives women with hair loss a natural look and high satisfaction.
research Cyberspace Chat: An Examination of Brand-Name vs Generic Finasteride: A Look at Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient, Excipients, Bioequivalence, and Other Factors Affecting Efficacy

research Response to Dr. Rassman’s Opinion on the Future of Hair Restoration Surgery
Dr. Rassman believes hair restoration surgery will significantly improve in the future.
research Controversies: What Would Hair Restoration Surgery Be Like If We Didn't Have Finasteride?
research Update on Efficacy of Generic Finasteride
Generic finasteride works just as well as the brand-name version for hair loss.
research Part 2: Low-Level Laser Therapy Devices, Medical Device Regulation, and Impact on Development
Strict regulations may slow down new LLLT treatments.

research Integrative Management of Hair Loss and Hair Care
Taking care of your hair and managing hair loss requires a combined approach.

research Practice Census Finds Robust Growth in Hair Restoration Surgery Over the Years
Hair restoration surgery has significantly increased over time.

research Tissue Expansion and Hair Restoration
Tissue expansion can help restore hair.
research Notes from the Editor Emeritus: The Empowered Patient
Empowered patients make better healthcare decisions.
research Epigenetic Modifications May Explain the Relative Protection of Occipital Hair Follicles from Androgenetic Alopecia in Men
research Early Results in the Use of Injectable ACell Suspended in Arterial Blood Serum/PRP in Retarding Hair Loss and Regrowth of Miniaturizing Scalp Hairs
Injectable ACell with blood serum/PRP may slow hair loss and regrow thinning hair.

research Surgical Assistants Editor’s Message: Quality Control Pertinent to Surgical Assistant Tasks
Quality control is important for tasks done by surgical assistants.

research How I Do It: Standards of Hair Photography (Made Simple)
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research Case History: Pulmonary Embolism/Deep Vein Thrombosis Following Hair Restoration Surgery
Hair restoration surgery can lead to serious complications like blood clots.

research Doctor's Guide to Estimating Transplant Grafts
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research Why Comparing Techniques in Hair Restoration Surgery Is an Intrinsically Difficult Task
Comparing hair restoration techniques is hard due to many variables and inconsistencies.
research European Society of Hair Restoration Surgery: 10th Annual Congress and Live Surgery Workshop, Paris, France, May 24–27, 2007

research Hair-Styling Technique to Camouflage Post-Operative Thinning in Women
Use hair-styling methods to hide thinning hair after surgery in women.
research Dilemmas in Hair Restoration
Hair restoration faces challenges in achieving natural results and needs more research and innovation.