1 / 1 resultsResearch
5 / 1000+ resultsresearch Direct Vasodilators and Sympatholytic Agents
Direct vasodilators and sympatholytic agents are still useful for certain conditions despite being less common due to side effects and newer drugs.

research Nitric Oxide: Physiological Functions, Delivery, and Biomedical Applications
Nitric Oxide has potential in medicine, especially for infections and heart treatments, but its short life and delivery challenges limit its use.

research Safety of Dermatologic Medications in Pregnancy and Lactation
Some skin medications are safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but others can harm the baby and should be avoided.

research Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Current Status of Pathogenesis
The document concludes that the exact way alcohol causes harm to fetal development is unknown, but it significantly affects nutrient transport to the fetus and a safe level of alcohol during pregnancy is not determined.

research Rodent Models in Placental Research: Implications for Fetal Origins of Adult Disease
Using rodents for research shows that health problems in the womb can cause diseases later in life.
Community Join
5 / 15 resultscommunity Finasteride and fertility. Personal report.
Finasteride can affect sperm quality, but fertility usually returns after stopping it, as shown by a user who conceived four months after discontinuation. Some users successfully conceive while on finasteride, though some prefer to pause its use to minimize risks.
community Injecting stomach fat into the scalp could cure baldness in just six months
A potential treatment for hair loss that involves injecting fat into the scalp; the role of testosterone and estrogen in thinning fat tissue under the skin; research on using lard to treat androgenic alopecia, as well as PRP + ACELL/amniotic stem cell treatments; and ongoing clinical trials by doctors involved in the study.
community I got an idea to cure baldness but i need your help
User suggests finding unknown baldness cure by applying random items on scalp and reporting results after 6 months. Various users humorously agree to try different substances, including whale sperm and hydrochloric acid.
community I've been afraid to start Finasteride treatment for 5 years, on it for 2 weeks, regret that hadn't started it earlier and here's my story
A 28-year-old male, losing hair since his teens, started taking 0.31 mg finasteride daily for two weeks with no side effects and regrets not starting earlier. He tried various treatments like minoxidil, scalp massages, and vitamins but found finasteride most effective.
community Plant-based Exosomes Efficacy Sourced from South Korea
Plant-based exosomes for hair loss lack scientific evidence and are considered high-risk with low evidence. Combining PRF with minoxidil and finasteride is suggested as a better option.