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      research Cancer

      July 2003 in “Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery”
      Some medications can improve skin conditions, while lifestyle factors like smoking and drinking may worsen them; treatments like monoclonal antibodies and imiquimod cream show promise for certain skin diseases.
      Wound Healing and Hair

      research Wound Healing and Hair

      July 2003 in “Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery”
      Certain drugs can cause lupus, stopping these drugs is the main treatment. NB-UVB phototherapy clears psoriasis faster when applied three times a week. Monoclonal antibodies and oral pimecrolimus are effective in treating psoriasis. Smoking and drinking are linked to psoriasis in men. No direct link between low iron and hair loss was found. Vaccines are effective against genital herpes and human papillomavirus type 16.
      Pediatric Dermatology

      research Pediatric Dermatology

      July 2003 in “Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery”
      Skin problems are common in Bangladesh due to arsenic, prompt treatment of diabetic foot ulcers is crucial, maternal transmission causes most neonatal herpes, treatments for pediatric vasculitis are effective, the chickenpox vaccine works, more frequent UVB therapy helps psoriasis, certain jobs increase hand dermatitis risk, monoclonal antibodies treat psoriasis well, lifestyle affects psoriasis, alefacept improves psoriasis, imiquimod cream partially clears basal cell carcinoma, and iron may not help chronic hair loss.

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