Traditional and Complementary Medicine Practices Among Patients Visiting the Dermatology Clinic
May 2020
in “
Konuralp Tip Dergisi

TLDR Some dermatology patients use traditional and complementary medicine, often for acne, and many recommend it, but they need more information about its effects.
In 2020, a survey of 378 dermatology clinic patients revealed that 24.6% (91 patients) had used traditional and complementary medicine (GETAT) for their skin conditions. The most common condition treated with GETAT was acne (26.4% or 24 patients), and the most frequent method was applying olive oil to the scalp (22.2% or 20 patients). Among GETAT users, 24.4% (19 patients) reported benefits, while 42.9% (40 patients) recommended GETAT to others. The study concluded that patients should be educated about GETAT's potential effects and side effects, and dermatologists should approach this topic with caution.