Clinical Observation of Method of Tonifying Kidney and Removing Toxins in Treating Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

    January 2011 in “ Liaoning Zhongyiyao Daxue xuebao
    Shi Jin
    TLDR The traditional Chinese medicine treatment improved symptoms and was more effective for SLE patients.
    The study observed the effects of Chinese medicine for Tonifying Kidney and Removing Toxins on 60 SLE patients, divided into two groups. After 3 months, the treatment group showed a significantly higher efficiency (66.7%) compared to the control group (33.3%), with notable improvements in symptoms like dry mouth, weak waist, hair loss, and reductions in urinary protein and erythrocyte sedimentation rate. The results indicated that this traditional Chinese medicine had good clinical efficacy in treating SLE with kidney deficiency and toxin removal.
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