Therapeutic Potential of Trichosanthes Dioica Plant (Pointed Gourd) – A Review
October 2022
in “
Authorea (Authorea)

TLDR The pointed gourd plant has many medicinal uses, including anti-diabetic and antioxidant properties, but some uses lack scientific proof.
Trichosanthes dioica, commonly known as "Sespadula" or "Parwal", is a plant native to India with various medicinal properties. The leaf juice is used as a treatment for fever and alopecia, and in cases of subacute liver enlargement. The plant's leaves, fruits, and tender shoots have been used in traditional medicine for centuries. Recent studies have found that the plant has anti-diabetic properties, and when its shade-dried fruits were added to the diet of non-diabetic animals, it showed hypocholesterolemic and hypoglyceridimic effects. The plant also has anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, hypolipidemic, cardiotonic, diuretic, and ulcer-preventive properties, and exhibits strong antioxidant activity. The plant contains various chemical components including vitamin A, vitamin C, tannins, saponins, alkaloids, peptides, and tetra and pentacyclic triterpenes. However, some of its historical therapeutic uses remain scientifically unproven.