The Protective Effect of the Crosstalk Between Zinc Hair Concentration and Lymphocyte Count: Preliminary Report

    April 2024 in “Life
    Tomasz Urbanowicz, Anetta Hańć, Jolanta Tomczak, Michał Michalak, Anna Olasińska-Wiśniewska, Patrycja Rzesoś, Mateusz Szot, Krzysztof J. Filipiak‬, Beata Begier-Krasińska, Zbigniew Krasiński, Andrzej Tykarski, Marek Jemielity
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    TLDR Zinc levels and lymphocyte counts might be important in heart disease development.
    The study involved 65 patients and aimed to analyze the relationship between hair-scalp concentrations of trace elements and blood counts in relation to atherosclerotic plaque progression. Significant differences were found in lymphocyte counts and concentrations of chromium, copper, and zinc between patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) and carotid artery disease. A strong correlation was found between lymphocyte counts and zinc concentration in the control group. The study concluded that the interaction between zinc concentration and lymphocyte count may play a crucial role in the development of cardiovascular disease. It also suggested that imbalances in zinc body accumulation may provoke atherosclerotic lesion progression.
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