Structured Oral Examinations in Internal Medicine - Case H

    September 2009 in “ MedEdPORTAL
    Hani Almoallim, Ali Alkatheeri, Alaa Monjed, Fozya Basheer, Abdullah Tawakol, Ahmad Imam, Abdulsalam Noorwali, Kamran Hameed
    TLDR The structured oral exam format is effective and well-received for teaching internal medicine.
    The document described a structured oral examination case for internal medicine focusing on a 21-year-old female with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). The case included detailed patient history, physical examination findings, and relevant diagnostic tests. The structured format was found to be convenient and effective for both students and examiners, avoiding many disadvantages of traditional long case formats. Students reported positive feedback. The educational objectives aimed to enhance learners' skills in history taking, physical examination, differential diagnosis, and interpretation of diagnostic tests related to SLE.
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