Shock Wave Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction: Marketing and Practice Trends in Major Metropolitan Areas in the United States

    April 2022 in “ Urology Practice
    James M. Weinberger, Gary Shahinyan, Shangyang C. Yang, Robert H. Shahinyan, Jesse N. Mills, Tommy Jiang
    TLDR Patients should consult urologists for evidence-based erectile dysfunction treatments.
    This study on shock wave therapy (SWT) for erectile dysfunction (ED) in 8 major U.S. metropolitan areas found that only 25% of providers were urologists, with 13% being nonphysicians, and there was significant variability in training and treatment protocols. The average cost per session was $491.22, with total treatment costs ranging from $600 to $16,200. Despite being classified as experimental by major urological associations, SWT is widely marketed, leading to inconsistent practices and significant financial burdens on patients. The study suggests that patients should consult urologists for evidence-based treatment options.
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