Seasonality, Climatic Unpredictability, Food Deprivation, and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

    June 2008 in “ CRC Press eBooks
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    TLDR PCOS may have evolved as an advantage in past environments with food scarcity.
    The document explored the prevalence, genetic predispositions, and evolutionary perspectives of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), affecting about 1 in 12 females with significant interpopulation differences. It discussed genetic and developmental factors contributing to PCOS and suggested that PCOS might have been advantageous in past environments with food scarcity, aligning with the 'thrifty genotype' hypothesis. The document proposed that seasonality and climatic unpredictability might have influenced the evolutionary development of PCOS. It emphasized the need for further research to understand the genetic and environmental interactions influencing PCOS and improve treatment strategies beyond symptomatic relief.
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