Formulation and Examination of Organic Oil and Shampoo from Fish Scales
December 2019
in “
International journal of innovative technology and exploring engineering

TLDR Fish scale-based organic hair oil and shampoo may improve hair health and prevent damage.
The document from December 30, 2019, discusses the development and evaluation of organic hair care products, specifically oil and shampoo, made from fish scales and various herbs. These natural cosmetics are gaining popularity due to their safety and lack of side effects such as hair fall and damage. The study highlights the importance of collagen in maintaining hair health, as it supports keratin production, which can strengthen hair, promote growth, and prevent loss. Collagen's role in maintaining hair color and moisture levels is also noted. The organic oil and shampoo created were assessed for various quality parameters including homogeneity, appearance, odor, saponification value, and pH. The document suggests that these natural products could be beneficial for hair health, especially as people age and produce less keratin and collagen.