Optical Coherence Tomography-Assisted Diagnosis of Follicular Keratosis of the Chin

TLDR OCT can non-invasively diagnose follicular keratosis and other hair follicle disorders.
The document described a case of follicular keratosis of the chin in a 7-year-old boy, diagnosed non-invasively using Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT). The OCT images revealed cystic dilated hair follicles with keratotic plugs, which were confirmed by histopathology. Despite treatment with topical tretinoin 0.05%, the lesions did not improve. The study highlighted the potential of OCT as a diagnostic tool for follicular disorders and suggested its utility in investigating other skin diseases involving hair follicles, such as acne or rosacea. The condition is benign and typically requires avoiding pressure and friction on the lesion for management.