Interventions for Nail Psoriasis

    January 2013 in “ Cochrane library
    A.C.Q. de Vries, Nathalie A. Bogaards, Lotty Hooft, Marieke Velema, Marcel C. Pasch, Mark Lebwohl, Phyllis I. Spuls
    TLDR Some systemic treatments work for nail psoriasis but can have serious side effects.
    The review assessed the efficacy and safety of treatments for nail psoriasis, including 18 studies with 1266 participants. Significant improvements were found with infliximab and golimumab, showing 57.2% and up to 54% nail score improvements, respectively, compared to placebo. Superficial radiotherapy also showed a 20% improvement. However, other treatments like ciclosporin, methotrexate, and various topical interventions did not show significant benefits over their comparators. Mild adverse effects were reported mainly for systemic treatments. The review concluded that while some systemic treatments are effective, they may have serious side effects, making them less suitable unless the nail psoriasis is severe or impacts quality of life. The evidence for topical treatments was inconclusive, and future trials need better design and reporting.
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