Mixed Connective Tissue Disease in a Girl with Lower Extremities Edema: A Brief Report
April 2024
in “
Current Rheumatology Reviews

TLDR MCTD should be considered in children with recurring muscle issues, lupus-like symptoms, and edema.
Mixed Connective Tissue Disease (MCTD) in children is rare and often presents with overlapping features of multiple rheumatologic disorders. This report discusses an 8-year-old girl with symptoms including fever, hair loss, lower extremities edema, weakness, and oral ulcers, who was diagnosed with MCTD due to high anti-U1 RNP antibody levels. Treatment with immunomodulator drugs led to disease remission. The study highlights the importance of considering MCTD in pediatric patients with recurrent muscular issues, lupus-like symptoms, and edema, and suggests that serum anti-U1 RNP testing is a valuable diagnostic tool.