A Persuasive in the Management of Alopecia Areata with Ayurvedic Approach
October 2020
in “
International journal of Ayurvedic medicine

TLDR Leech therapy and Ayurvedic treatment can effectively regrow hair in recent Alopecia areata cases.
The case study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of Leech therapy combined with Ayurvedic treatment for Alopecia areata (Indralupta). An 18-year-old female from Delhi with two bald patches on her scalp underwent six weeks of treatment at Chaudhary Brahm Prakash Ayurved Charak Sansthan. The treatment included tridosha shamaka, rakta-shodhaka, and raktamokashana (Leech application). Subjective evaluation showed complete remission of symptoms and hair regrowth on the bald patches. The study suggested that Leech therapy, along with Ayurvedic formulations, could be effective for recent cases of Alopecia areata, and recommended further research to strengthen these findings and explore new treatment possibilities.