Magnesium Microneedle Patches for Under-Eye Wrinkles
July 2022
in “
Dermatologic Therapy

TLDR Magnesium microneedle patches can safely improve under-eye wrinkles when used every other night for 12 weeks.
A study involving 19 subjects aged 27-58 years evaluated the effectiveness and safety of non-absorbable Magnesium microneedle (Mg MN) patches for under-eye wrinkles. The patches were applied every other night for 12 weeks. Significant improvement in wrinkles was observed after 8 weeks, with the wrinkle index showing significant improvement at week 12. Dermal thickness did not significantly increase, but showed a tendency for improvement at the 12-week follow-up. No serious adverse events were reported. The study concluded that Mg MN patches can be safely used for improving wrinkles in thin skin areas like under-eye sites at home. Further studies with more subjects are needed.