Investigation, Treatment, And Monitoring Of Late-Onset Hypogonadism In Males: ISA, ISSAM, And EAU Recommendations

    February 2006 in “ Andrology
    Eberhard Nieschlag, R. Swerdloff, Hermann M. Behre, L.J.G. Gooren, Jean‐Marc Kaufman, J J Legros, Bruno Lunenfeld, John E. Morley, Claude Schulman, C. Wang, W. Weidner, F. C. W. Wu
    TLDR Men with low testosterone should be carefully evaluated and monitored before and during treatment.
    The document discussed the recommendations for the investigation, treatment, and monitoring of late-onset hypogonadism (LOH) in aging males, highlighting the decline in testosterone levels with age and its impact on quality of life. It emphasized the need for a thorough physical and biochemical work-up to diagnose LOH, with specific testosterone level thresholds for treatment consideration. Testosterone therapy was recommended with caution, particularly avoiding use in men with prostate or breast cancer, and using short-acting preparations to allow rapid discontinuation if needed. The document also noted the potential benefits of testosterone on mood, bone density, and erectile dysfunction, while acknowledging the lack of long-term data on risks, particularly concerning the prostate and cardiovascular systems. Regular monitoring of prostate health and hematological parameters was advised, and the use of alkylated androgens was discouraged due to liver toxicity.
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