Hairline Design in Hair Replacement Surgery

    November 2008 in “ Facial Plastic Surgery
    Michael L. Beehner
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    TLDR Dr. Michael Beehner recommends a personalized, careful approach to hairline design in hair replacement surgery for a natural look.
    In the 2008 article, Dr. Michael Beehner presented key considerations for hairline design in hair replacement surgery, advocating for individualized approaches based on patient-specific factors such as age, facial structure, and hair loss progression. He compared the rounded, hemioval hairline with the flared frontal hairline, expressing a preference for the latter due to its more natural appearance in most patients. The article detailed techniques for creating natural irregularities in the hairline, the importance of hair direction and angulation, and methods for ensuring symmetry. Beehner also discussed common mistakes that lead to an unnatural look, such as incorrect graft placement and overly dense hairlines. Temporal hair restoration was considered more cautiously in younger men, while for female patients, the importance of integrating the hairline with natural features like cowlicks was emphasized. The document underscored the necessity of a conservative and well-planned approach to achieve a natural-looking hairline in hair replacement surgery.
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