Hair Loss Management

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    TLDR Eat a balanced diet for healthy hair; only use supplements if you have a proven nutrient deficiency.
    The 2018 article discussed the causes of hair loss, highlighting Androgenetic Alopecia as the primary cause in 95% of men and noting stress, pollution, and nutritional deficiencies as other significant factors. It underscored the necessity of a balanced diet rich in proteins, lipids, water, and trace elements for maintaining hair health, while cautioning that excesses of certain vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins A and E, Omega 3, iron, and calcium, can lead to hair loss. The importance of vitamins like niacin, biotin, cobalamin, folates, and vitamin D, as well as minerals like zinc, iron, copper, selenium, silicon, and magnesium, was acknowledged. The article advised against the use of oral nutritional supplements without confirmed deficiencies and recommended thorough patient history and serum level assessments for diagnosing hair loss causes. It concluded that oral nutritional supplements should be reserved for cases with proven nutritional deficiencies, emphasizing that a balanced diet is crucial for hair health.
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