Formulation and Test Activities of Hair Tonic with a Combination of the Aqueous Extracts of Aloe Vera (Aloe Vera L.) and Licorice (Glycyrrhiza Glabra L.)

    June 2018 in “ Pharmaciana
    Sulistiorini Indriaty, Teti Indrawati, Shelly Taurhesia
    TLDR The hair tonic with 15% ethanol effectively promotes hair growth.
    The study formulated a hair tonic using 7.5% Aloe vera extract and 2.5% licorice extract, tested on 4 white male rabbits over 28 days. Three formulas with varying ethanol percentages (5%, 10%, and 15%) were evaluated. The tonic with 15% ethanol showed optimal results, characterized by a specific weight of 1.0577 g/mL, viscosity of 2.8479 cP, and pH 5.5. It demonstrated a hair growth rate of 2.6617 cm in 28 days, a growth acceleration of 0.1635 cm/day, and a hair weight of 0.1854 grams, indicating its effectiveness as a hair fertilizer.
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