Volume Rejuvenation of the Facial Upper Third
March 2015
in “
Facial plastic surgery

TLDR The article compares different products for rejuvenating the upper part of the face.
In a 2015 issue, a series of articles took a unique approach to discussing volumetric restoration of the face, with a focus on the upper third, which includes the upper eyelid, brow, temple, and forehead. Robert Glasgold assessed each facial region, and five experts (Theda Kontis, Steve Smith, Rebecca Fitzgerald, Sam Lam, and Edwin Williams) each discussed a specific volumetric product for different facial regions. The products covered were hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxylapatite, poly-L lactic acid, polymethyl methacrylate, and autologous fat transfer. The goal was to allow readers to compare options for facial rejuvenation by organizing the opinions of experienced authors by facial region. General comments on each product were included in the article on the upper face and were not repeated in subsequent sections. Other contributors were acknowledged, but the listed authors were the primary ones.