Facial Feminization Surgery: Current State of the Art
June 2012
in “
International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

TLDR Facial feminization surgery is effective in helping transgender women appear more feminine and has high patient satisfaction.
The 2012 document outlines the procedures and considerations involved in facial feminization surgery (FFS), which is designed to modify male facial features to appear more feminine, primarily for transgender women. It describes specific techniques for altering the forehead, eyebrows, nose, cheeks, lips, chin, jawline, and thyroid cartilage, emphasizing the importance of proportion, symmetry, and the goal of helping individuals pass as female in everyday life. The document also discusses potential complications, which are generally minor, though serious complications like vocal cord damage are rare. FFS is often a significant step for transgender females, usually undertaken after living in their gender role for some time. Patient satisfaction is reported to be high, and while most patients pay for their own FFS, some health authorities may cover the costs. The future of FFS may see further procedural advancements and changes in funding, with a need for studies to justify public funding. No conflicts of interest, funding, or ethical approval were reported for the paper.