The Diagnosis and Treatment of Mange in the Guinea Pig Caused by Trixacarus (Caviacoptes) Caviae (Fain, Hovell & Hyatt, 1972)

    September 1977 in “ Journal of Small Animal Practice
    K. L. Thoday, W.P. Beresford-Jones
    TLDR Mange in guinea pigs can be cured with gamma benzene hexachloride washes.
    The document described clinical features of mange in 10 guinea pigs across 9 separate outbreaks caused by Trixacarus (Caviacoptes) caviae. Symptoms included pruritus, increased keratinization, and alopecia, with severity linked to the duration of clinical signs. Diagnosis was confirmed through skin scrapings. One guinea pig died before treatment, but the remaining animals showed complete recovery after being treated with gamma benzene hexachloride washes.
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