Cushing's Syndrome Complicating Pemphigoid Gestationis

    January 2018 in “ Cogent Medicine
    Olga Yu. Olisova, N.P. Tepljuk, Amal Hubail, Rosa Belkharoeva, Olga V. Grabovskaya, Vladimir Pinegin
    TLDR Careful management of steroid use is crucial in pregnant women with bullous pemphigoid to avoid complications like Cushing syndrome.
    The study assessed a case of pemphigoid gestationis in a pregnant woman complicated by Cushing syndrome due to steroid treatment. It highlighted that while increasing steroid doses can lead to complications like Cushing syndrome, not using steroids can result in relapse or poor prognosis of bullous pemphigoid. The conclusion emphasized the need for careful management of bullous pemphigoid in pregnancy and the importance of considering steroid treatment complications to improve prognosis.
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