COVID-19 Lockdown And Beyond: Home Practice Solutions For Developing Microsurgical Skills

    G.C. Higgins, SE Thomson, Jason Baker, Calum Honeyman, Marie Kearns, J Roberts, Sherilyn Tay
    TLDR Home practice solutions using simple materials can help maintain microsurgical skills during lockdowns.
    The COVID-19 pandemic posed significant challenges to Plastic Surgery training, including reduced clinical exposure and limited microsurgical practice opportunities. The authors proposed practical, cost-effective home practice solutions to develop microsurgical skills, such as using human hair and insulin needles to create homemade sutures. They also recommended various non-animal models like flower petals and silicone tubing for practice. These methods aimed to maintain skill development during remote working periods and could be beneficial during other absences from clinical practice. The solutions emphasized accessibility, cost-effectiveness, and adherence to ethical principles.
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