Cellular and Extracellular Involvement in the Regeneration of the Rat Lower Vibrissa Follicle
April 1992
in “

TLDR Both cell and non-cell parts are important for rat whisker follicle regrowth.
In 1992, a study was conducted on 15 rats and 73 experimental follicles to understand the process of hair follicle regeneration in rats after microsurgical amputation of the lower follicle bulb. The initial response was a wound reaction, with hyperproliferative follicle epidermis spreading below the level of amputation, associated with the downward movement of mesenchymal (or dermal) sheath cells. The extracellular matrix was found to possibly mediate the dermal-epidermal interactions associated with hair follicle regeneration. The study also observed changes in the structure and composition of the glassy membrane and highlighted the migratory and penetrative abilities of dermal sheath cells. The researchers concluded that both cellular and extracellular elements play significant roles in the regeneration of rat lower vibrissa follicles.