Blood Pressure Levels in Women with Androgenetic Alopecia
February 2010
in “
Journal of The American Academy of Dermatology

TLDR Women with androgenetic alopecia may have higher blood pressure levels.
This document contains summaries of several case reports and studies. One study found that women with androgenetic alopecia (AGA) have higher blood pressure levels and aldosterone levels than healthy controls, suggesting a possible link between AGA and hypertension. Another case report describes a woman with Degos disease, a rare disease that can involve skin lesions and can be fatal if it affects gastrointestinal organs or the nervous system. Two other case reports describe patients with nephrogenic systemic fibrosis, a disorder exclusive to patients with renal disease that involves thickening of the skin and tissue collagen deposition, and is associated with gadolinium chelate-based contrast agents.