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      research Dermabrasion

      16 citations, July 2001 in “Dermatologic Clinics”
      Dermabrasion is a skin resurfacing technique with specific steps and potential complications.
      Expert Opinion After Hair Transplantation

      research Expert Opinion After Hair Transplantation

      1 citations, May 2021 in “Journal Für Ästhetische Chirurgie”
      Doctors should thoroughly inform hair transplant patients about the procedure, risks, and costs to prevent dissatisfaction and legal issues.
      What’s New in Facial Hair Transplantation?

      research What’s New in Facial Hair Transplantation?

      10 citations, August 2019 in “Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America”
      Facial hair transplantation has improved to give natural-looking beards and eyebrows with proper technique and patient care.

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