Videodermoscopy Evaluation in Non-Scarring Alopecia of Scalp
June 2023
in “
International journal of pharmaceutical quality assurance

TLDR Videodermoscopy is effective for diagnosing different types of non-scarring hair loss.
The study evaluated the use of videodermoscopy in diagnosing non-scarring alopecia in 140 patients and compared the findings with 40 control volunteers. The results showed that videodermoscopy is an effective non-invasive diagnostic tool, particularly for differentiating between various forms of alopecia. It revealed specific features such as yellow dots, black dots, and small vellus hairs in alopecia areata (AA), and hair diameter diversity and peripilar sign in androgenetic alopecia (AGA). Exclamation mark hairs were significantly associated with AA (p-value of 7.55E-12) but were also noted as a potential source of misdiagnosis due to their presence in trichotillomania. The study found that videodermoscopy could record and monitor changes in the scalp and hair, making it valuable for dermatological practice.