Can UK Undergraduate Dental Programs Provide Training in Non-Surgical Facial Aesthetics?
June 2017
in “
British Dental Journal

TLDR Most UK dental schools don't teach non-surgical facial aesthetics, but dentists have a good knowledge base to provide these services.
In the June 2017 study assessing UK undergraduate dental programs' inclusion of non-surgical facial aesthetics (NSFA) in their curricula, it was found that out of 12 responding dental schools, two-thirds did not cover NSFA. Despite this, all schools taught relevant subjects such as facial anatomy, with varying coverage of other related topics like the anatomy of the aging face and the pharmacology of botulinum toxin. The study concluded that dentists have a strong foundation to deliver NSFA due to their relevant knowledge and surgical training. It emphasized the need for dental education to adapt by incorporating NSFA into undergraduate and post-graduate training, especially considering the field's growth and the number of dentists practicing NSFA.