Spironolactone Therapy for Hirsutism in a Hyperandrogenic Woman

    November 1978 in “ Annals of internal medicine
    K. Patrick Ober
    TLDR Spironolactone may help reduce excessive hair growth in women with high male hormone levels.
    The document discusses the potential antiandrogenic effects of spironolactone, a drug typically used as an aldosterone antagonist, which could be beneficial for patients with polycystic ovarian disease or ovarian hyperthecosis, conditions characterized by elevated androgen levels. The antiandrogenic actions of spironolactone may include decreased testosterone production, increased conversion of testosterone to estradiol, and competitive inhibition of dihydrotestosterone binding to its receptor. Side effects such as gynecomastia, decreased libido, and impotence are indicative of its interference with androgen action. The document references several studies that have investigated the effects of spironolactone on endocrine function and its interaction with sex steroid receptors.
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      research A Novel Use of Spironolactone: Treatment of Hirsutism

      124 citations ,   September 1980 in “˜The œJournal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism/Journal of clinical endocrinology & metabolism”
      Spironolactone is effective in treating excessive hair growth in women.