Associations Of Prenatal And Postnatal Exposure To Perfluoroalkyl Substances With Pubertal Development And Reproductive Hormones In Females And Males: The Home Study
May 2023
in “
Science of the total environment

TLDR PFAS exposure in adolescence may delay puberty in females.
The study investigated the associations of prenatal and postnatal exposure to perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) with pubertal development and reproductive hormones in 200 children from the HOME Study. The results showed that higher adolescent PFAS concentrations were consistently associated with delayed pubertal development and menarche in females, but not in males. Additionally, higher PFAS levels in adolescence were linked to lower estradiol levels in females. The study suggests that larger studies are needed to confirm these findings and to determine if these associations are independent of puberty-induced pharmacokinetic changes.