Postoperative Radiotherapy for Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Patients With Microscopic Residual Disease

    December 2020 in “ JAMA Dermatology
    Alet J G Leus, Estelle F D Perrels, György B. Halmos, Jorrit B. Terra, Roel J.H.M. Steenbakkers, Marloes S. van Kester, Emőke Rácz
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    TLDR Radiotherapy is a good option when further surgery for skin cancer isn't preferred, but more research is needed to compare it with other methods.
    This case series examined the outcomes of postoperative radiotherapy (PORT) in 66 patients with microscopic residual disease from cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. The patients were diagnosed between January 1, 2000, and January 1, 2014, and treated with PORT following incomplete excision. The median follow-up was 45.5 months. Thirteen patients (19.7%) developed progression of disease (POD), including local recurrence, nodal metastasis, and disease-specific death. The median time until POD was 15 months, and the median disease-free survival in the total group was 44 months. The study concluded that PORT after incomplete excision is a good treatment option if reexcision of the tumor is not preferable. However, additional comparative studies are necessary to determine the value of PORT compared with reexcision or watchful waiting.
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