Pedal Dermatitis Part 3: Feline Pododermatitis

    April 2011 in “ Companion Animal
    Christa Horvath‐Ungerboeck, Adri van den Broek
    TLDR Feline pododermatitis is less common in cats than in dogs.
    The article discussed feline pododermatitis, which occurred less frequently in cats compared to dogs. It covered the clinical presentation, diagnosis, and management of common conditions associated with this ailment. Trombiculidiasis and bacterial paronychia were identified as the most common infections in cats, while fungal infections, though rare, were also significant. Other less frequent but important causes included atopic disease, cutaneous adverse food reactions, pemphigus foliaceus, plasma cell pododermatitis, and paraneoplastic alopecia (metabolic epidermal necrosis).
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