PA31 Traction Alopecia in the Pediatric Sikh Population

    Akash Sharma, James Halpern, Alexis Cuell, Raakhee Ramesh, Manrup Hunjan
    TLDR Avoid tight hairstyles and use minoxidil to prevent and treat hair loss in young Sikh boys.
    The article discusses traction alopecia in the pediatric Sikh population, focusing on two 14-year-old boys who experienced hair loss due to the traditional practice of tying their hair in a tight knot called a 'jura'. Both cases showed hair loss primarily in the frontotemporal region, with trichoscopy revealing mild perifollicular scale and inflammation. Histology confirmed traction alopecia without inflammatory infiltrate. The study emphasizes the importance of early intervention, advising patients to avoid tight hairstyles and suggesting the use of minoxidil for potential regrowth. The findings highlight the need for dermatologists to recognize and address this reversible condition to prevent progression and improve quality of life.
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