Patient Outcomes, Satisfaction, and Improvement in Headaches After Endoscopic Brow-Lift

    July 2013 in “ JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery
    Nicholas J. Panella, Jordan L. Wallin, Neal D. Goldman
    TLDR Endoscopic brow-lift is effective and well-tolerated, with high patient satisfaction and improved appearance.
    A retrospective telephone survey of 57 patients who underwent endoscopic brow-lift (EBL) or EBL with concurrent rhytidectomy revealed high satisfaction rates, with 93% reporting the procedure as successful and 96% recommending it. Most patients experienced positive cosmetic outcomes, such as looking younger (74%) and less tired (65%), and increased confidence (74%). Recovery was generally quick, with 89% needing analgesics for less than 1 week and 95% reporting edema lasting under 2 weeks. However, 28% experienced alopecia at the incision site, and 63% had some numbness. Among 16 patients with preoperative headaches, 50% saw improvement. Those who had rhytidectomy took longer to resume normal activities. The study concluded that EBL is well tolerated and effective, with patient-reported outcomes aiding in better preoperative counseling.
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