A Case of Neurodermatitis Circumscripta of Scalp Presenting as Patchy Alopecia

    Hariharasubramony Ambika, CSujatha Vinod, J Sushmita
    TLDR Emotional factors are crucial in treating and preventing scalp neurodermatitis and hair loss.
    A 60-year-old woman with a 2-year history of an itchy scalp lesion and localized hair loss was diagnosed with neurodermatitis circumscripta (lichen simplex chronicus) of the scalp. Treatment included intralesional steroids, oral doxepin, and psychotherapy, leading to complete symptom remission and total hair regrowth within 3 months. The case highlighted the significant role of emotional factors in the disease's onset and the necessity of addressing these factors alongside dermatological treatment for effective management and prevention of recurrence.
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