Natural hair patterns

    William M. Parsley
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    TLDR Surgeons need to understand natural hair patterns for better hair restoration results.
    In the 2004 article, William M. Parsley, MD, highlighted the lack of knowledge among surgeons regarding natural hair characteristics, which can lead to suboptimal hair restoration surgery outcomes. He stressed the importance of understanding natural hairline irregularities and various hair patterns, such as congenital versus balding patterns, and patterns by location, to achieve predictable and satisfactory results. The article called for more research on these patterns to aid in treatment planning and ensure cosmetically pleasing results. Additionally, the document provided insights into strategic planning for hair restoration, including the creation of natural-looking hairlines, the importance of micropatterns, hair angle and direction, and considerations for transplanting different scalp zones. It emphasized the need for surgeons to understand multizone patterns of alopecia and their future implications for patients to avoid procedures that may not be suitable, such as in cases of diffuse unpatterned alopecia (DUPA).
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