Minoxidil-Induced Hypertrichosis in Children
January 2014
in “
The Pan African medical journal

TLDR Minoxidil caused unwanted hair growth in a child, but stopped after stopping treatment.
The article discusses a case of a 5-year-old girl who developed patchy alopecia areata of the scalp and was treated with minoxidil lotion 2% without medical prescription. While the regrowth of hair was rapidly obtained, the parents complained of extensive hypertrichosis covering the face and the back. Discontinuation of minoxidil was followed by progressive regression of hypertrichosis. The article emphasizes that minoxidil must be delivered on medical prescription to ensure maximum security use, especially in children and women, as hypertrichosis is a dose-related side effect that is mainly localized in the face and can be reversible upon discontinuation of treatment.