Use Of Medicinal Species As Non-Timber Forest Products In La Tranca Arriba, San Plácido Parish

    November 2019
    Cantos Zambrano, Jennifer Andrea
    TLDR Medicinal plants are important for local health in La Tranca Arriba.
    The study conducted in La Tranca Arriba, San Plácido parish, aimed to classify medicinal species as non-timber forest products. Surveys of 25 inhabitants aged 20-80 revealed that 24 species, 23 genera, and 18 families were used medicinally, with Matricaria chamomilla L., Mentha rotundifolia L., Origanum vulgare L., Mentha sativa L., and Cymbopogon citratus being the most utilized. These plants were primarily used for hair loss, gas, deworming, colic, and colds, with leaves being used in 52.5% of cases, mainly through infusion (67.65%). All recorded species had a significant use value greater than 20%, indicating their importance in local natural medicine.
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